ACHEM insulating tape series products have passed VDE certification

Date: 06 May, 2023

ACHEM insulating tape series products have passed VDE certification

ACHEM Technology (Dongguan) Adhesive Products Ltd, a leading provider of insulating tape products and solutions in China, recently announced that its insulating tape series products have passed VDE certification, thus becoming the first adhesive product company in China to pass VDE certification. After obtaining this certification, ACHEM will be able to help customers' products pass the access standards of the European market in a more targeted manner, so as to better support the internationalization of customers' products.
The full name of VDE is Verband Deutscher Elektrotechnikere, the German Association of Electrical Engineers. VDE certification is the national standard for German electrical products. The VDE testing and certification institute affiliated to the German Institute of Electrical Engineers performs product inspection and auditing. This organization is the most experienced in Europe and enjoys a high reputation in the world for electronic appliances and their parts One of the component safety testing and certification agencies. In many countries, the VDE certification mark is even more famous than the national certification mark, especially recognized and valued by importers and exporters.
Passing VDE certification marks that ACHEM's product quality has been further recognized by international organizations, and it also lays a good foundation for partners' products to enter the European market. After years of accumulation, ACHEM has formed a comprehensive competitive advantage in terms of performance and category in terms of insulating tape. In the future, ACHEM will continue to work hard to provide customers with better quality and more abundant PVC insulating tape products.
VDE certificate no. 40056730

ACHEM insulating tape series products have passed VDE certification

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